
  • Scáthach “the Shadow”

    Scáthach (pronounced: scou’-ha, or skah ‘ – thakh) (Scottish Gaelic: Sgàthach an Eilean Sgitheanach), or Sgathaich, is a figure in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. She is a legendary Scottish warrior woman and martial arts teacher who trains the legendary Ulster hero Cú Chulainn (Koo-hull-un or “coo-CHOOL-in) in the arts of combat. She is called “the Shadow” and “Warrior Maid” and is the rival and sister of Aífe or Aoife (ee-fa or AY-fah), both daughters of Árd-Greimne of Lethra. Texts describe her homeland as Scotland; she resided in an impregnable castle known as Dún Scáith, or “Dun Sgathaich” (Fortress of Shadows), on an island (thought to be the Isle…