AG,  Americas,  United States

Carrie Fisher

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This year has taken a lot out of us as a culture. Many of our most beloved icons have been taken from us, the face of the world is changing drastically, and more and more we are faced with truths that are difficult to accept. It seems almost trivial to say that the death of one person represents the culmination of the whole year to me, but that is my burden to bear and my truth to share, and your choice if you wish to keep reading. My guess is if you do, you might feel the same way, or at least are able to understand where I am coming from. What follows may not be the article you wanted, but it’s the one I need to write.

You want a list of facts and dates? Go read the Wikipedia page []. Better yet, go watch her one woman documentary standup comedy THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE show, Wishful Drinking. If you want an honest and entertaining affirmation of Carrie Fisher’s life, keep reading.

Carrie Fisher was important to me. Not because she was Princess Leia (though that was how I discovered her) not because she was a feminist icon (though she entirely was) but because she was real… people do not talk much about mental health. The subject is bizarrely taboo in most “polite” circles but it is a very real thing. Anyone who tells you differently is lying or kidding themselves.

But, to quote the lady herself: “If my life wasn’t funny, it would just be true, and that is completely unacceptable.” – Carrie Fisher, Wishful Drinking

Carrie did a lot of work in Hollywood. Actress, screenwriter, singer, wife of Paul Simon, lover of Harrison Ford and PRINCESS FRICKING LEIA. I’m sorry, ask any male with any kind of heterosexual tendency what their fantasies are and gold bikini Leia appears somewhere on that list. It wasn’t just that she was sexy and gorgeous and talented, it was that she was a strong, self-confident woman. She was a damn self-rescuing princess! She inspired little princesses to pick up swords (or blasters, whatevs) and slay their own dragons, and she inspired young princes to treat those little princesses with some damn respect.

When she got older and news of her various addiction and mental health issues came out, she owned it. She acknowledged it. She moved past it. She JOKED ABOUT IT. That takes style, class, and a sense of humor like you wouldn’t believe.

I cannot believe she is gone.

We love you Carrie Fisher.

But you knew that already.