England,  Taegan,  Western Europe

Francis Bacon

12109175_173989132943177_5326984050411747774_nBorn in January 1561, Bacon was the son of Sir Nicholas Bacon and his second wife Anne.

During his time at Cambridge, Bacon began to question the accepted methods of scientific research, believing them to be flawed. His ideas led to the modern approach to scientific research. It is suggested that it was his experimentation of the effects of freezing on decomposition and preservation that led to him catching a chill and developing pneumonia, leading to his death.
Bacon embarked on a career in Law and Politics, following his father’s sudden death which left him in financial difficulties. Despite the difficulties Bacon was served as a Member of Parliament from 1584 to 1617. In 1603 Bacon was knighted on James I ascension to the throne. As his career continued, Bacon reached the pinnacle of being made Lord Chancellor. In 1621, Bacon was given the title of Viscount St Albans.

His career ended in disgrace when later in 1621, Bacon was accused of corruption and taking bribes. There is a belief in some quarters that Bacon was a scapegoat, set up by his political enemies in order to deflect hostility towards the Duke of Buckingham. Following his confession and trial, Bacon was fined £40,000 and sentenced to the Tower. He only served 4 days and the fine was lifted, but Bacon’s reputation was in tatters.

Following his downfall, Bacon retired to St Albans where he spent the last years of his life following his scientific interests. The 9th April 1626 saw the passing of Francis Bacon.
