• The White Rose Movement

    Like the Edelweiss Pirates, not all of the youth of Germany was on board with the Nazi agenda.  Several students at the University of Munich were appalled by the stories that they were hearing and were determined to do something about it.  (Please see this post for more on the Edelweiss Pirates:  http://www.historynaked.com/edelweiss-pirates-kids-alright/) In June 1942, a group of students at the University of Munich founded the “White Rose” movement.  The name came from a Spanish novel “Rosa Blanca”.  One member, Hans Scholl, had been a soldier on the eastern front and saw first hand the mistreatment of Jews as well as other Poles, and the forced internment in concentration…

  • The Edelweiss Pirates-  The Kids are Alright

    When the Nazi’s came to power, one of the things they did was begin to indoctrinate the youth.  In 1936, children of both sexes under the age of fourteen were required to be in the Hitler Youth movement.  The Hitler Youth emphasized Nazi ideals and clean living through sports, hiking and approved artistic pursuits.  Then military service would follow at fourteen. As the war geared up, recruitment and military activities increased.  Sports and nature walks were replaced with marching, drilling on the proper use of bayonets, grenades, and pistols, and maneuvering through dugouts, trenches and barbed wire. Members were also taught and encouraged to steal, vandalize, fight and bully.   Any…

  • D-Day Landings

    In 1943, Allied commanders began planning for a full-frontal attack on German coastal defenses of the Normandy region of France. Operation Bodyguard, a highly strategic and minutely planned deceptive prequel to the invasion was put into action to fool deceive the Germans who were aware an invasion was planned. This deception was broken down into several small staged plans of attacks, all bogus, designed to feed information to broadcasts fed to German airwaves. As a result of incorrect prediction of bad weather by their meteorological office in Paris, many of the senior commanders of the Nazi force, despite knowing there was a possible invasion planned, took the chance that it…

  • The Night Witches

    It was 1941 and the Third Reich seemed unstoppable in its roll across Europe.  Hitler and Stalin had a non-aggression pact, but Hitler threw that in the trash and turned his eyes east and invaded the Soviet Union.  By November, the German Army was 19 miles from Moscow and the city of Leningrad was under siege.  Three million Russians had been taken prisoner and the Soviet Air Force was grounded.  Things looked bleak. In desperation, record breaking aviatrix Marina Raskova created an all female regiment to run harassment bombing runs on the Germans.  Harassment bombing targets encampments, supply depots and rear base areas. Their constant raids made rest for the…

  • Nuremberg’s Secret Vault

    Walter W. Horn was exactly the kind of man the Nazis wanted to recruit-  good looking, educated, athletic and descended from five generations of Germans.  However, Walter Horn wanted no part of them.  As a professor of art history at the University of Heidelberg, he watched the rise of the Nazis with horror.  As a historian, he was being called upon to declare the superiority of the German race.  He hedged.  Academics at that time were being forced into a special branch of the SS to dedicate themselves to proving German superiority.  Horn was on their list to press gang next.  In 1934, he took the chance and attempted to…